Dr. Major Singh Goraya
Computer Science and Engineering
Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Tech.
Professor, SLIET Longowal since 30/09/2019 Associate Professor, SLIET, Longowal from 22/06/2010 to 29/09/2019 Assistant Professor, SLIET, Longowal from 22/06/2007 to 21/06/2010 Lecturer, Punjabi University from 07/08/1998 to 21/06/2007
Computer Society of India
International/National Journals Ø Avnish Thakur, Major Singh Goraya, “A Workload and Machine Categorization Based Resource Allocation Framework for Load Balancing and Balanced Resource Utilization in the Cloud”, Int. J. of Grid and High Performance Computing, vol. 14 (1), pp. 1-21, 2022. (Scopus) Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh, and Major Singh Goraya, “Optimal virtual machine scheduling in virtualized cloud environment using VIKOR method”, The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 78(4), 6006-6034, 2022. (SCIE) Ø Avnish Thakur, Major Singh Goraya, “RAFL: A hybrid metaheuristic based resource allocation framework for load balancing in cloud computing environment”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 116, (102485), 2022. (SCIE) Ø Moin Hasan, Major Singh Goraya, Tanya Garg, “E-FFTF: An extended framework for flexible fault tolerance in cloud”, IoT and Analytics for Sensor Networks, LNNS, vol244. Pp. 35-45, 2021. Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh, and Major Singh Goraya, “Deadline Aware Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Model for a Virtualized Server”, SN Computer Science, vol. 2(3), 2021. Ø Neeraj, Major Singh Goraya, and Damanpreet Singh, “A comparative analysis of prominently used MCDM methods in cloud environment”, The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 77(4), pp. 3422-3449, 2021. (SCIE) Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh, Major Singh Goraya, “Energy and resource efficient workflow scheduling in a virtualized cloud environment”, Cluster Computing, vol. 24 (2), pp. 767-797, 2020 (SCIE) Ø Neeraj, Major Singh Goraya, Damanpreet Singh, “Satisfaction aware QoS-based bidirectional service mapping in cloud environment”, Cluster Computing, 2020. (SCIE). Ø Moin Hasan, Major Singh Goraya, “Flexible fault tolerance in cloud through replicated cooperative resource group”, J. of Computer Communications, vol. 145, pp.176-192, 2019. (SCIE) Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh, Major Singh Goraya, “VM Selection and Allocation Policy to Optimize VM Migration in Cloud Environment”, Int. J. of Recent Technology and Engineering vol. 8(2), pp. 3444-3449, 2019. (Scopus) Ø Neeraj, Major Singh Goraya, Damanpreet Singh, “A Ranking Based Model for Selecting Optimum Cloud Geographical region”, Int. J. of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8(10), pp. 793-797, 2019. (Scopus) Ø Neeraj Yadav, Major Singh Goraya, “Two way ranking based Service mapping in cloud environment”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 81, pp. 53-66, 2018. (SCIE) Ø Moin Hasan, Major Singh Goraya, “Fault tolerance in cloud computing environment: A systematic survey”, Computers in Industry, vol. 99, pp. 156-172, 2018. (SCI) Ø Avnish Thakur, Major Singh Goraya, “Primary Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing: A brief note”, Int. J. of advanced research in computer science, vol. 8(7), pp. 436-438, 2017. (Indexed). Ø Avnish Thakur, Major Singh Goraya, “A taxonomic survey on load balancing in cloud “, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 98, pp. 43-57, 2017. (SCI) Ø Neha Garg, Major Singh Goraya, “Task Deadline-Aware Energy-Efficient Scheduling Model for a Virtualized Cloud”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 43(2), pp. 829-841, 2017 (SCI) Ø Harjinder Kaur and Major Singh Goraya, “A Scenario of IT based Agriculture Projects in India”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 8(1), pp. 78-82, 2017. Ø Deeksha Bundela and Major Singh Goraya, “Migration Control in Cloud Computing to reduce the SLA Violation”, Int. J. on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol. 5(7), pp. 156-161, 2017. Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh and Major Singh Goraya, “Energy aware hardware and software approaches in cloud environment”, Int. J. of Computer Science and Communication Networks, vol. 7(3), pp. 66-69, 2017. Ø Neeraj, Major Singh Goraya and Damanpreet Singh, “Reputation systems in cloud: A Review”, Int. J of Scientific Research and Management, vol. 5(7), pp. 6207-6210, 2017. Ø Moin Hasan, Major Singh Goraya, “Resource Efficient Fault Tolerant Computing Service framework in cloud”, International Journal of Computer science and Engineering, vol. 9(3), pp. 51-60, 2017. Ø Harjinder Kaur and Major Singh Goraya, “Role of Cloud Based Technologies in Agriculture Process across Countries: A Review”, Int. J. of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14(9), pp. 397-405, 2016. Ø Neha Garg and Major Singh Goraya, “A survey on energy-aware scheduling techniques in cloud computing environment”, Int. J. of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14(10), pp. 523-528, 2016. Ø Moin Hasan and Major Singh Goraya. “Priority based Cooperative Computing in Cloud Using Task backfilling”, Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, vol. 4(3), pp. 229-233, 2016. Ø Harjinder Kaur and Major Singh Goraya, “Cloud Computing in Agriculture”, HCTL Open International Journal of Technology Innovations and Research, vol. 16, pp. 1-5, 2015. Ø Deepak and Major Singh Goraya, “Cloud Computing: An Overview”, Int. J. of current Engineering and Scientific Research, vol. 2(5), 2015. Ø Gagandeep Kaur and Major Singh Goraya, “Distributed Resource Information in Grid for Efficient Resource Discovery”, Int. J. of current Engineering and Scientific Research, vol. 2(5), 2015. Ø Major Singh and Lakhwinder Kaur, “Fault tolerance task execution through cooperative computing in grid”, Parallel processing Letters, vol. 23(1), pp. 1350003-23, 2015. Ø Major Singh and Lakhwinder Kaur, “Resource grouping in grid towards the availability and reliability of computing service”, Journal of Advance Computing, vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2012.
International/National Conferences Ø Naman Goyal, Major Singh Goraya, Tajinder Singh, “An axiomatic analysis for object detection and recognition using Deep learning”, 1st International Conference on Human-Centric Smart Computing (ICHCSC 2022), April 27-29, 2022. Ø Neeraj, Major Singh Goraya, and Damanpreet Singh, “Cloud Service Mapping using Multi Criteria Decision Making Method PROMETHEE” RACIT 2018, SLIETCON (National Conference) March 1-2 2019. Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh and Major Singh Goraya, “VM Selection Policy to optimize VM Migration in Cloud environment RACIT 2019 SLIETCON (National Conference) March 1-2 2019. Ø Moin Hasan and Major Singh Goraya, “Proactive Fault Tolerance in Cloud: a Research Perspective Review RACIT 2019 SLIETCON (National Conference) March 1-2 2019. Ø Avnish Thakur and Major Singh Goraya, “A brief Analysis on resource utilization in cloud computing environment” RACIT 2018, SLIETCON (National Conference) March 1-2 2019. Ø Neeraj, Major SinghGoraya, Damanpreet Singh, “Mutual Reputation Based Service Mapping in Cloud Environment” Proc. of The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Communication – ACEC 2018 August 18-19 2018 Ø Neha Garg, Damanpreet Singh, and Major Singh Goraya, “Power and Resource-Aware VM Placement in Cloud Environment 2018 IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) 14-15 Dec. 2018 Ø Avnish Thakur, Major Singh Goraya, “Cloud is the future of information technology” National Conference on Pervasive Computing, DAV College, Bathinda May 6, 2016 Ø Harjinder kaur, Major Singh Goraya,”Applications of Information Technology in Agriculture” Presented at 6th National Conference on Communication and Networking NCCN-16 held at SLIET February 05-06, 2016 Ø Moin hasan, Major Singh Goraya, “Fault Handling in Cloud Computing” Presented at 6th National Conference on Communication and Networking NCCN-16 held at SLIET February 05-06, 2016 Ø Neha Garg and Major Singh Goraya, “Green Computing: A Review”, Presented at 6th National Conference on Communication and Networking NCCN-16 held at SLIET February 05-06, 2016 Ø Neeraj and Major Singh Goraya, “Reputation Models in Cloud Environment”, Presented at 6th National Conference on Communication and Networking NCCN-16 held at SLIET February 05-06, 2016 Ø Major Singh Goraya, “Computer Networks Implementation in Agriculture”, Presented at National Conference on Pervasive Computing held at DAV College, Bathinda May 6th, 2016 Ø Moin Hasan and Major Singh Goraya, “Optimization of X-ray tomography through a cooperative computing system in grid”, Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics (National conference) August 2015 Ø Moin Hasan and Major Singh Goraya, “A framework for priority-based task execution in the distributed computing environment”, IEEE International Conf. on Signal processing, Computing and Control 24-26 Sept. 2015 Ø Deepak, Major Singh Goraya, “Cloud Computing: An Overview”, 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Computer Science and Advances in Information Technology, Chandigarh, ICCCCIT 2015 April 12, 2015 Ø Gagandeep Kaur, Major Singh Goraya, “Distributed Resource Information In Grid for Efficient Resource Discovery”, 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Computer Science and Advances in Information Technology, Chandigarh, ICCCCIT 2015 April 12, 2015 Ø Major Singh Goraya, “Outline of the Cloud Computing Platform Presented at International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology”,ICCICT-15Global Institute of Management and Emerging Technology, Amritsar (Punjab) May 12-13, 2015 Ø Moin Hasan and Major Singh Goraya, “Priority Based Cooperative Computing in Cloud Using Task Backfilling”, 2nd Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICOSE 2015), Toronto, Canada August 17-18, 2015 Ø Major Singh Goraya, “Grid Computing as a promising computing platform International Conference on Communication”, Information and Computing Technology (ICCICT-15) at Global Institute of Management and Emerging Technologies, Amritsar, May 12-13, 2015 Ø Moin hasan, Major Singh Goraya, “Successive stage multi-round scheduling for cube based multi-processor systems”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (251-254)18-20 Dec. 2014 Ø Major Singh Goraya, Lakhwinder Kaur, “Trust and reputation based association among grid entities”, WSEAS international conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems, (SEPADS’12) Cambridge, UK, (110-114)Feb 22-27, 2012 Ø Lakhwinder Kaur, Major Singh Goraya, “A consistent System Availability Framework in Computing Grid International Conference on Advanced Computing”, Networking and Security, at NIT Surathkal, December 16-18, 2011.
Research Interests
Green Computing, Cloud computing, Distributed Systems, IOT and Machine Learning
PhD. Supervision details
Completed Ø Mrs. Harjinder Kaur on A Prototype of Cloud Based e-Agriculture Ø Mr. Moin hasan on Flexible Fault Tolerance Framework in Cloud Computing Environment Ø Mr. Neeraj on Quality of Service Based Service Mapping in Cloud Environment Ø Ms. Neha Garg on Energy Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment Ø Mr. Avnish Thakur on Balanced Utilization of Resource Capacities in Cloud Environment
Undergoing Ø Mr. Naman Goel in the field of Human motion detection using Machine learning Ø Ms. Rupinder Kaur on Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment
M.Tech. Dissertation supervision details Ø Mr. Neeraj on Two Way Service Mapping Model in Cloud Computing Ø Ms. Neha Garg on Energy Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud Ø Ms. Deeksha Bundela on Extended Migration Control in Cloud Computing to Reduce the SLA violation Ø Ms. Sadbhawna on Fairness Oriented Procurement of Cloud Services Ø Ms. Mehak on Reduction of Virtual Machine Configuration Overhead in Cloud Ø Mr. Rahul Kumar on A Prototype Model on IoT-Based Water Quality Monitoring System Ø Ms. Vidushi Vashistha on Load Balancing In Cloud Environment using Ant Colony Optimization Ø Ms. Poonam on Energy Efficient Task Execution in Cloud
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