Basic Details
Name | Chinu |
Designation | Guest Faculty |
Phone (O) | 9915025805 |
Phone(R) | 9915025805 |
Mobile | 9915025805 |
Educational Details
Educational Qualification | Ph.D.(Pursuing), M.Tech, B.Tech |
Experience | Worked as an Assistant Professor in CSE Dept. (MMU,SADOPUR,AMBALA) from 5 Sept, 2014 to July, 2015. |
Professional Memebership
Professional Membership | International Association of Engineers |
Publications | 1. Chinu and Amit Chhabra,”A Hybrid approach for color based image edge detection”, IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014), Greater Noida, Delhi, India during September 24-27, 2014. 2. Chinu,Ritika ,”Comparison of Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing “, ELSEVIER International Conference On Information and Mathematical Sciences, ISBN9789351071624 ,2013, pp. 207-210. 3. Chinu, Ritika and Sheetal Charbathia,” Web Analytics: Security “, ELSEVIER International Conference On Information and Mathematical Sciences, ISBN9789351071624,2013, pp.262-264 . 4. Chinu and Amit Chhabra ,”Edge Detection Techniques” 1st National Conference on Information Technology and Cyber Security,Vol.1,PP 106-111/ITCS13/22,Dec 2013. 5. Chinu, Amit Chhabra ,”Overview and Comparative Analysis of Edge DetectionTechniques in Digital Image Processing”,2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computing Sciences, Information Techniques & Emerging ELearning Technologies ,Published in International Journal of Information & Computation Technology .ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 10 (2014), pp. 973-980. 6. Chinu and Amit Chhabra,”A Novel Approach For Color Based Image Edge Detection Technique “,ELSEVIER International Conference Emerging Research in Computer ,Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-2014) August,1-2 2014,NMIT Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. 7. Chinu, Ramil, Ekta, “Web Searching an art” in International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, in International journal of computer science and engineering, “Vol.6”, “page 493-496”, “April 2018”. 8. Ramil Gupta, Chinu, Navjot Singh, “Mutation Operators in Python using SMT-P”in International Journal of Computer Sciences andEngineering, “Vol. 6”, “page 776-778”, “July 2018”. 9. Shaganpreet Kaur and Chinu, “Comparative analysis of data mining techniques”, in International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering “Vol.6”, “page 301-304”, “April 2018”. 10. Shaganpreet Kaur, Chinu and Sunny Kumar,” Real Time Sentimental Analysis of Twitter using Rlanguage and Big Data tool RHIPE”, International Conference on Intelligent Machines (ICIM’19),Baba farid college of Engineering & Technology,bathinda,India,March 15-16, 2019. 11. Chinu, Kulwinder kaur, ”Efective Image Forgery Detection Using Improved Local Binary Patterns”, International Conference on Intelligent Machines (ICIM’19),Baba farid college of Engineering & Technology, bathinda,India,March 15-16, 2019. |
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