Conferences and FDP’s organised by Department
Conference/Seminar Organised:
- One Week FDP on “Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis using Python” in online mode for the faculty, PG students and Research Scholars from 20th to 24th Nov. 2023 in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh organized by Deptt. of Computer Science & Engg. as a Remote Centre
- A Multi Track National Conference SLIETCON-2019 sponsored by TEQIP-III from 1st March,2019 to 2nd March,2019.
- National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Technology, CCIT- 2010 from 28th May,2010 to 29th May,2010.
- National Conference on “Research and Practices in Current Trends of IT” from 26th March,2004 to 27th March,2004.
- All India Seminar on Challenges Ahead with Information Technology CAIT-2002 from 19th January,2002 to 20th January,2002.
- Five Days Staff Development on “Office Automation” sponsored by TEQIP-III from 24th August, 2020 to 28th August, 2020.
- Five Days Online Short Term Program on “Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence” sponsored by TEQIP-III from 27th to 31st July, 2020
- One Day Workshop on “Machine Learning” on 16th April, 2020, Expert talks by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
- One Week Faculty Development program on ‘’Internet of Things”(IOT) from 14th October, 2019 to 18th October, 2019 sponsored By AICTE training and Learning (ATAL).
- One Week training program on “Office Automation and System Management” sponsored by TEQIP-III during 10th June, 2019 to 14th June,2019.
- A Short Term training programme on “Emerging Trends in Computing and Networking” was organized from 18th December, 2018 to 22nd December, 2018.
- One Day Seminar on “Current Trends in Computing and Networking” sponsored by TEQIP-III on 20th September, 2018.
- A Short Term training programme on “Soft Computing Pattern Recognition and Image processing” sponsored by TEQIP-II was organized from 27th September, 2016 to 01st October, 2016.
- Three-Days workshop on “Simulation and Modeling” sponsored by TEQIP-II was organized from 08th September 2016 to 10th September 2016.
- One Week Short term course on “Adhoc Networks and Cloud Computing” sponsored by TEQIP-III from 13th January,2016 to 17th January,2016.
- One Day workshop on “Cloud Computing” sponsored by TEQIP-II in February 2015.
- Two Weeks Staff Development Program on “Wireless and WiMAX issues Present Scenario” sponsored by AICTE from 5th July 2010 to 16th July 2010.
- Two Week Staff Development Program on “High Performance Computing: Issues and Applications”from 29th June,2009 to 10th July, 2009.
- Two Week short term course on “Distributed computing and Electronic commerce in 21st Century” sponsored by AICTE in June 1998.